We want to lift you up in prayer, addressing your most pressing needs and seeking your greatest miracle.

  Jesus was asked for healing forty times and each of those forty times, without exception, He granted healing and deliverance.  Not once did He turn away a request.  

Let us stand together in faith, trusting that God's unchanging power will bring forth your breakthrough!

Complete this prayer form, detailing your most urgent needs for a miracle.
Remember, it is within God's will to heal and provide for you in every aspect of your life—be it physical, emotional, mental, financial, or relational. Embrace the promise that through His stripes, you are healed. Receive what rightfully belongs to you.  

Consider a seed-faith gift.
        While we are committed to praying for your needs regardless of your contribution, we encourage you to intertwine your prayers with your giving, sowing generously. Understand that every harvest begins with a seed—this is the divine principle
established by God Himself.

If you prefer to speak to someone by phone, contact our 24-hour prayer line at
 (931) 210-4405.