We want to lift you up in prayer, addressing your most pressing needs and seeking your greatest miracle.

We firmly believe that 2024 heralds a season of refreshing and divine outpouring upon the United States of America!  Today, we reach out to you through this email, offering you the chance to establish a point of contact and unite in agreement with us.  

On our altar, prayer cloths have been placed for you. We encourage you to request one as your tangible point of contact for the miracle you seek and send us your request so that we can combine our faith with yours and agree for the manifestation of it in your life.  As you are led by the Holy Spirit, consider sowing a seed of faith to represent your specific need—a testament to your unwavering faith to belief God for His miracle release.  

Reflecting on Acts 19, where people presented handkerchiefs and cloths to the Apostle Paul for prayer, resulting in miraculous healings, we are inspired by the power of anointed cloths.  After we receive your request, we will join our faith with yours then we will send a Prayer Cloth to you from our time of prayer, saturated in the anointing, to position you for the manifestation of your miracle!  Jesus was asked for healing forty times and each of those forty times, without exception, He granted healing and deliverance.  Not once did He turn away a request.  

Let us stand together in faith, trusting that God's unchanging power will bring forth your breakthrough!

We invite you to participate today!

1.  Complete the prayer form, detailing your most urgent needs for a miracle.
Remember, it is within God's will to heal and provide for you in every aspect of your life—be it physical, emotional, mental, financial, or relational. Embrace the promise that through His
        stripes, you are healed. Receive what rightfully belongs to you.  
2.  Consider a seed-faith gift.
        While we are committed to praying for your needs regardless of your contribution, we encourage you to intertwine your prayers with your giving, sowing generously.
Understand that every harvest begins with a seed—this is the divine principle established by God Himself.

Your partners in the harvest,
Bishop Jeff & Pastor Farrah Coleman

For a love gift of $50 or more, receive an enriching gift package including three empowering teaching CDs from Bishop Jeff Coleman, accompanied by anointing oil and prayer cloths.

For a love gift of $100 or more, receive the book bundle of Love; the Great Quest by Nancy Dufresne, and John Avanzini Answers Your Questions About Biblical Economics 
in addition to the CD package, anointing oil and prayer cloth.